Saturday, April 25, 2009

We Could All Float On Together

So its late again, and im pretty tired, but i've been nagged on by someone to write another post in my blog, so I will. I'll start off with my day on Friday: so its the last day of the week and im totally excited!!! So whats the plan for the day you ask well here it is: finish school, go to Sonia's, go to drama show, do something and yah. So me and Sonia leave the school and go meet Kitsch at the subway. So we get to the our stop and get out and Caitlin pops up, so she tags along with us to the grocery store where we buy food (duh, oh and candy= yum) so then from there we go on a little adventure ( cough, cough), oh wait i mean that literally + burs stuck on backpacks and clothing. Anyways after that on the way to Sonia's house we almost got killed!!!!! Yah, so, Sonia convinces me and kitsch to j-walk(actually she just starts j-walking, so we have to follow) anyways shes all like its a red light no cars are coming. But in reality, guess what, the cars are coming in both directions!!! Anyways so one of the cars comes speeding up and almost hits her and us!! Afterward we are both screaming at her and then I am yelling at her for alternative reasons as well. SO we are walking through a park/bike place, and so im talking about secret #3. Kitsch is like OMG, and i was like YAH! And SOnia was like: ("why" x3, "WTF" x10, and "WTH" x1) it was hillarious. + she screamed the first two "WTF". Guess who biked around the corner right after... Mr.Nichols, ouch for Sonia, he probably heard her. Anyways, skip to us getting to the drama club place, so were there and Sonia's setting up and Kitsch and I are supposed to collect quotes from people for a skit and were like OK, while we were eating sonia's candy. Anyways, so the thing starts and it was absolutly hillarious. I totally learned some new things about SOnia: she was dropped on her head as a baby, x-rays show brain damage, zoo's have taken an interest in her(not actually), she really likes to clean and repair windows, and she doesnt know the alphabet(actually). Oh during the period when Sonia was setting up, Kitsch and I were getting a McFlurry and McD's and I did my crazy voice ( 1 hour photo's). Anyways after this is all done, Miro and Emma ditch because they need to go practice for something (its probably really cool), so the rest of us + the gemmicks go back to sonia's. We have Thai food for dinner and we watch "How I Meet Your Mother" and "Pretty in Pink" ( not exactly my choice). Wow I just realized that I have written a lot, and Im probably rambling. But for my devoted readers I will continue. So after we watch part of the movie, + two episodes of the show, we have to leave and I am lucky enough to get a ride to York Mills subway station = right close to my house. After that i get picked up = more lucky. All in all, the day was pretty awesome (except for school)... (well actually that wasn't to bad). My next blog will probably be on the Sport Life 10K race and other stuff, don't worry I'll post it before the race, possibly tomorrow. Goodnight.

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